Friday, August 29, 2014

Combating the austerity agenda in Canada | PSI partners make budget recommendations

The Association of Canadian Financial Officers - a PSI partner representing financial officers and managers in the Canadian federal government - has called on the government to make common-sense tax changes in the name of combatting austerity.

As ACFO argued in its brief:

A balanced budget is one that considers both sides of the financial ledger. So far, focus has been on the expenditure side - austerity measures and resulting cuts to public services. These cuts affect most Canadians through lost services and, in many cases, lost jobs.
But a balanced budget doesn’t just require cutting expenses; it also requires collecting the revenues that are due. Improving taxation laws, eliminating avoidance schemes and investigating tax evaders and holding them responsible will provide a significant, sustainable and hitherto-ignored source of revenue for the Canadian public purse. This will result in a truly balanced budget that also supports the robust public services that Canadians need and deserve. 
Read the complete submission and common-sense tax regulation changes.

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