Tuesday, July 1, 2014

PSI Executive Board endorses aggressive and far-reaching program

PSI Executive Board (EB) met on 24-25 June to assess progress and to decide on further priorities and activities. EB endorsed an aggressive and far-reaching programme that will require active support and participation from all unions.

EB noted the organised attack on the right to strike by employers at the recent ILC that threatens to undermine the very basis of trade union action, both public and private; endorsed action to fight this attack and called upon all affiliates to participate, including with their national centres.
EB endorsed and commended PSI work opposing the new cycle of ‘free trade’ deals, TISA, TPP and TTIP that represent a direct attack on national and local government ability to deliver quality public services.
EB noted PSI’s leadership role in the global struggle for tax justice by fighting tax evasion, avoidance and corruption.  The fight to ensure that corporations and the wealthiest pay their fair share is essential to financing universal access to quality public services.
EB noted the increased visibility of PSI actions across the globe including:
  • Conducting tax justice workshops in Asia, Africa and Latin America, lobbying OECD
  • PSI’s TISA research launch and co-ordinated protest actions and its lobbying activity at the WTO Ministerial meetings and global forum, with wide media attention
  • Active support for affiliates from more than 30 countries against trade union rights violations, including South Korea, Guatemala, Algeria and Turkey
  • Ensuring that the UN Commission on the Status of Women outcomes include trade unions
  • Increasing union affiliations to PSI, reflecting a stronger commitment to the PSI Programme of Action
Building on this work, the Executive Board mandated PSI to:
  • Launch a global campaign on the right to strike for workers in coordination with the Council of Global Unions and the ITUC
  • Intensify the fight against TPP, TISA and TTIP, including materials for affiliates that explain the sectoral effects of trade agreements, and convening global and regional summits
  • Prioritize the health and social services sector for organising and growth
  • Implement the new framework for Trade Union development
  • Strengthen sector work, including with more support to regional sector networks
  • Launch a campaign against precarious work
  • Continue the campaign on ending violence against women and broaden our work on diversity including LGBT activities and fighting racism
  • Continue PSI’s leadership in the global campaigns on tax evasion and corruptionand producing materials for affiliates
The Executive Board adopted the 2014 budget and noted the ongoing work for financial stability that will enable us to resource our activity.
Finally, EB approved the proposal to move the 2017 PSI Congress from Singapore to Geneva, to contribute to the financial stability of the organization and commended the support given by Asia Pacific members.
Minutes will be made available to all PSI affiliates on the PSI website in the near future.
Also see:

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